Animating spirit

Ottawa, December 26, 2024
Ottawa, December 26, 2024 (photograph) by Paul Politis
Ottawa, December 26, 2024
Ottawa, 2024

“… worry less about what you make — that will mostly look after itself, and is to some extent beyond your control, and perhaps even none of your business — and devote yourself to nourishing this animating spirit. Bring all your enthusiasm to bear on the development of that good and essential force. This is done by a commitment to the creative act itself. Each time you tend to that ingenious spark it grows stronger, and sets afire the ordinary gifts of the imagination. The more dedication you show to the process, the better the work, and the greater your gift to the world. Apply yourself fully to the task, let go of the outcome, and your true voice will appear. You’ll see. It can be no other way. “
— Nick Cave, The Red Hand Files #181, January 2022