
Ottawa, April 12, 2023
Ottawa, April 12, 2023 (photograph) by Paul Politis

Ottawa, September 15, 2023

Ottawa, April 15, 2023

Ottawa, April 12, 2023

Look over there, it’s Ray K. Metzker:

“The elusive is what we seek, be it of the heart or the mind. The artist learns to live with uncertainty, for it is in meeting the unknown that spirit is exposed and tested. The certainty of knowing is fool’s gold.”
— Ray K. Metzker, quoted in Unknown Territory: Photographs of Ray K. Metzker

“Often as I am working, the developments inform me, and that influences the next step. Sometimes I want the work to do one thing, but it proves unwilling and tells me to do something else.”
— Ray K. Metzker, quoted in Unknown Territory: Photographs of Ray K. Metzker